The Way Out

The Way Out

A man had been wandering about in a forest for several days, not knowing which was the right way out.

Suddenly he saw a man approaching him. His heart leaped with joy.

“Now I shall certainly find out which is the right way,”
he thought to himself.

When they neared each other he asked the man,
“Brother, tell me which is the right way. I have been wandering about lost in this forest for several days.”
Said the other to him, “Brother I do not know the way out either. I too have been wandering about here for many, many days. This I can tell you: do not take the way that I have been taking, for that will lead you astray. And now, let us look for a new way out together.”

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R’ Zalman tz’l teaches that a good maisa – a good story – is one where the heart surprises the mind.

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