The Rabbi’s Gift
A struggling monastery receives a cryptic message: “The Messiah is one of you.” As the monks reflect on this, their behavior changes, sparking a quiet transformation that renews their community’s spirit.
A struggling monastery receives a cryptic message: “The Messiah is one of you.” As the monks reflect on this, their behavior changes, sparking a quiet transformation that renews their community’s spirit.
A Libyan folk tale tells of a string connecting each of us to G!d. When we sin, the string breaks. But through repentance, the angel Gabriel ties a knot, drawing us closer to G!d each time—until we are nearer than ever before.
In a small town, an abandoned synagogue, known as the weeping synagogue, holds a mysterious past. Locals share a tale about a revered rabbi and a fateful night that changed everything. What happened remains a haunting reminder of missed opportunities and unspoken wishes.
A troubled widower sought advice from a wise old woman. They walked by a stream, where she invited him to sit and handed him a branch to touch the water. Through this simple act, she revealed a profound lesson about finding meaning in life.
In this Sufi story from Tales of the Dervishes, Khidr warns that all water will disappear and be replaced with water that drives people mad. Only one man heeds the warning and stores water for himself, observing the effects of the change on others.
In Dov Noy’s “Folktales of Israel,” a wicked priest challenges a Jew to a sign language dispute, threatening to kill all Jews if no one accepts. After weeks of searching, a humble poultry dealer volunteers. In the dispute, his simple, literal responses are interpreted by the priest as profound wisdom. Impressed, the
Reb Zalman’s recounting of the Baal Shem Tov’s journey reveals a profound tale of sacrifice, destiny, and divine intervention, where a couple’s selfless act leads them to an unexpected fortune, embodying the mystic ideal that anyone can be the Holy One’s instrument for good.
In a moment ripe with anticipation, the Baal Shem Tov transcends expectation, offering his disciples not a story, but a profound revelation: “Salvation lies in remembrance.”
On Yom Kippur, the Kedushat Levi, Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev, observes Yankel the tailor’s fervent prayer, leading to a conversation where Yankel boldly proposes forgiving each other’s sins with God, prompting the Rebbe’s reflection on a missed chance for redemption.
In Ropchitz, Rabbi Naftali encounters a night watchman and, upon being asked whom he serves, is struck by the profoundness of the question, leading him to hire the watchman to constantly remind him of his service to God.
R’ Zalman tz’l teaches that a good maisa – a good story – is one where the heart surprises the mind.
Please feel free to use these stories in your teaching and in your holy conversations. I welcome your gentle comments.
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