Become a Lake
A young apprentice, struggling with sadness, asks an old master for a solution. The master gives him a simple task that leads to an important lesson about how we experience pain and the importance of perspective.
A young apprentice, struggling with sadness, asks an old master for a solution. The master gives him a simple task that leads to an important lesson about how we experience pain and the importance of perspective.
In a northern Chinese village, a man’s life unfolds through unexpected twists of fortune and misfortune, teaching the timeless lesson: what seems like a blessing may be a curse, and what seems like a curse may be a blessing.
Rabbi Ze’ev is tasked by the Baal Shem Tov with blowing the shofar on Rosh Hashanah, using deep kabbalistic meditations. When the moment arrives, something unexpected happens, leaving Rabbi Ze’ev to rely on a deeper, more personal approach.
The community eagerly gathered to ask the rabbe their questions. Instead, he started singing a melody, slowly drawing everyone into song and dance, transforming the moment into something unexpected.
A king ignored a drop of honey falling from his window, dismissing it as a small matter. But that small drop set off a chain of events that grew beyond control, revealing the unexpected consequences of neglecting what seems insignificant.
King Solomon sent Benaiah to find a ring that could make a happy man sad and a sad man happy. After searching, he found a simple ring with an inscription that revealed a deep truth.
Lost in a forest for days, a man is overjoyed to encounter someone else, hoping to find his way out. But the stranger, equally lost, offers a different kind of guidance: an invitation to avoid his mistakes and search for a new path together.
Junayd, a Sufi philosopher, tasked his disciples to kill a bird in a place unseen. All but one returned with the task done. The one who didn’t revealed a deeper wisdom.
A poor woman saved to have Kaddish said for her loved one and for others with no one. One day, a chance encounter at a bank reveals a surprising connection to her quiet acts of kindness.
A struggling monastery receives a cryptic message: “The Messiah is one of you.” As the monks reflect on this, their behavior changes, sparking a quiet transformation that renews their community’s spirit.
R’ Zalman tz’l teaches that a good maisa – a good story – is one where the heart surprises the mind.
Please feel free to use these stories in your teaching and in your holy conversations. I welcome your gentle comments.
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