What Seems Like a Curse
In a northern Chinese village, a man’s life unfolds through unexpected twists of fortune and misfortune, teaching the timeless lesson: what seems like a blessing may be a curse, and what seems like a curse may be a blessing.
In a northern Chinese village, a man’s life unfolds through unexpected twists of fortune and misfortune, teaching the timeless lesson: what seems like a blessing may be a curse, and what seems like a curse may be a blessing.
A king ignored a drop of honey falling from his window, dismissing it as a small matter. But that small drop set off a chain of events that grew beyond control, revealing the unexpected consequences of neglecting what seems insignificant.
King Solomon sent Benaiah to find a ring that could make a happy man sad and a sad man happy. After searching, he found a simple ring with an inscription that revealed a deep truth.
In Dov Noy’s “Folktales of Israel,” a wicked priest challenges a Jew to a sign language dispute, threatening to kill all Jews if no one accepts. After weeks of searching, a humble poultry dealer volunteers. In the dispute, his simple, literal responses are interpreted by the priest as profound wisdom. Impressed, the
R’ Zalman tz’l teaches that a good maisa – a good story – is one where the heart surprises the mind.
Please feel free to use these stories in your teaching and in your holy conversations. I welcome your gentle comments.
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