Story Library

A Besht tale re-told by Reb Zalman

Reb Zalman’s recounting of the Baal Shem Tov’s journey reveals a profound tale of sacrifice, destiny, and divine intervention, where a couple’s selfless act leads them to an unexpected fortune, embodying the mystic ideal that anyone can be the Holy One’s instrument for good.

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Remind Me

In Ropchitz, Rabbi Naftali encounters a night watchman and, upon being asked whom he serves, is struck by the profoundness of the question, leading him to hire the watchman to constantly remind him of his service to God.

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Story Catalog

R’ Zalman tz’l teaches that a good maisa – a good story – is one where the heart surprises the mind.

Please feel free to use these stories in your teaching and in your holy conversations. ​​I welcome your gentle comments.

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